Known as the Princess of Doran, Vi³ has in fact no power over anyone within the laid-back realm of Doran.
Destined to be the Pilgrim of Allindo, she has heeded Laylah's call since her birth. Guided by a massive storm sparked by the Penumbra in Zin-Gerzen, she awaits the day of Reset.
Nineteen years ago, a young Vi³ was invited to Port Windward, where she met Astero, the Princess of Shadarra, for the very first time. Back then, Port Windward was a shared home for Earthers and the Allindish.
During her visit there, Earthers captured a cherished moment with a group photo of Vi³, Astero, and all the key figures involved in the port's development. In the photo, Vi³ and Astero stand at the
center as symbols of Doran and Shadarra, each holding a Doronium sphere—a toy popular among Allindish children. With Vi³'s sphere pointed downwards and Astero's upwards, the photo subtly foreshadowed
their future destinies, unbeknownst to them at the time.
This encounter brought Vi³ to a realization: life on Earth does not undergo the Reset.
On the very day the Reset began, Vi³ met an Earther investigator named Yan. She asked Yan to document the last days of Allindo before the Reset, as well as her journey.